Upload your data

Upload a CSV or TSV file
Accepted file formats:
- CSV (comma or semicolon separated values)
- TSV (tab-separated values)
Upload an omics dataset in which a single gene/protein is an observation
(must contain gene names!)
Performs many data curations
(always displays an info in case data is modified!)

Analysis Options
Customize GSEA and volcano plot options

Customize p value adjustment
Why Adjust P-values?
Multiple testing increases false positive risk - when testing many hypotheses, some will appear significant by chance alone.
Available Methods:
  • Benjamini-Hochberg (BH): Controls false discovery rate (FDR), balances power and false positives
  • Benjamini-Yekutieli (BY): More conservative than BH, makes no assumptions about dependencies
  • Hochberg: Less conservative than Bonferroni, controls family-wise error rate
  • Bonferroni: Most conservative, strongly controls family-wise error rate
  • None: Unadjusted p-values, high false positive risk
Recommendation: BH is suitable for most analyses. BY provides more conservative control but at the cost of statistical power.Use BY if you have, for example, RNA‐sequencing data from heterogeneous tumor samples where unpredictable, complex gene co-expression patterns create unknown dependencies among tests, necessitating robust FDR control despite reduced power.
GSEA analysis controls
GO Term Selection Criteria for Gene Set Enrichment analysis (GSEA):
  • Terms must contain 5-500 genes detected in your experiment
  • At least 5% of genes in each term must be detected in your data
  • Filtered by selected ontology category
This ensures meaningful and statistically relevant GO terms for your analysis.
Customize volcano plot annotations
Customize plot title
Customize X -axis label
State of data source preview
